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  • SEKAB Biofuels & Chemicals

    SEKAB is one of the world’s few producers of entirely green chemical alternatives. The heart of production is the chemical plant – the biorefinery facility in Örnsköldsvik where, using renewable energy, we can produce green products from biomass and purified emissions.
    Last update : 03/09/2015
  • Texilis

    Texilis is a consultant office which helps VSMEs and SMEs in their innovating and research and development projects around flax.
    Last update : 05/05/2015
  • TDL Technique / Terre de Lin

    TDL TECHNIQUE is a subsidiary of TERRE DE LIN, 1st european flax fibres producer. TDL TECHNIQUE has its own production units which a capacity of 150 000m²/year.
    Its range BIORENFORTS is composed by flax fibers reinforcements, unidirectional or bi-axial, in 100 % flax or in blend with other composites fibers.
    Last update : 01/03/2017
  • Vencorex

    Vencorex is the owner of technologies and a major manufacturer of aliphatic isocyanates (Tolonate™ and Easaqua™, HDI, IPDI), used in coatings adhesives and inks formulations. Vencorex has manufacturing and lab units in France and US, and a worldwide commercial presence.
    Last update : 05/12/2013
  • Corbion Purac

    Corbion is the global market leader in lactic acid, lactic acid derivatives and lactides, and a leading company in functional blends containing enzymes, emulsifiers, minerals and vitamins.
    Corbion Purac produces lactides from lactic acid, which our partners then convert to Poly Lactic Acid (PLA) thermoplastic resin.
    Last update : 11/09/2014