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  • LINEA S&N Hives Formula

    Derivery SAS

    Natural topcoat paint, specially formulated for hives and that limitates indoor temperature.
    Last update 08/07/2022
  • MinervPHA


    MINERV-PHA is a high-performance PHA biopolymer. MINERV-PHA is endowed with optimal thermal properties. This product is particularly suitable for injection and extrusion methods for the production of objects.
    Last update 13/03/2015
  • Yarn and rovings of natural fibres

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    Rovings and yarns are linear assemblies of aligned fibers, linked by a torsion more or less important for the cohesion of the whole from flax or hemp fibers.
    Last update 16/07/2014
  • Polyols (sorbitol, maltitol)


    Physico-chemical properties of sugar alcohols, such as sorbitol and maltitol syrups, ensure functionalities that are very useful in a wide variety of industrial applications as a chemical feedstock and functional ingredients.
    Last update 21/08/2013
  • ecovio® T


    Partly biobased and biodegradable PLA-compound to thermoform and ISBM food packaging
    Last update 07/12/2018