Project opportunities provided by BIOPEN
As a representative of the main players in bio-based chemistry, the ACDV (Association Chimie du Végétal) is a driving force underlining industrial stakes to national and European bodies : it presents to Europe’s governing bodies the vision and the stance of industrial companies regarding the development of bio-based chemistry. |
The European Confederation of Linen and Hemp (CELC) is the only European agro-industrial organization federating all the stages of production and transformation for linen & hemp. |
Europabio |
EuropaBio is the voice for the biotech industry at the EU level. They promote an innovative and dynamic biotechnology-based industry in Europe. |
nova-Institut |
nova-Institut is globally active in feedstock supply, techno-economic evaluation, market research, dissemination, project management and policy for a sustainable bio-based economy. |
Reference websites
Reference Website | Description |
Future Public Private Partnership (PPP) on the European bioeconomy |
Beta Analytic Limited | Bio-based content testing laboratory |
Biopreferred US | US Biopreferred program |
BIOTIC | Project on Industrial Biotechnology |
Ecocert | Certification body |
European Bioplastics | Association representing bioplastics' industry |
Green Business news | News on "green" business |
Green Chemicals Blog | News on bio-based chemistry |
Les écolabels | Ecolabel catalogue |
National Non-Food Crops Centre (NNFCC) | International consultancy on biomass conversion |
Plastics Today | News on bioplastics |
World Bio Markets |
Business conference and exhibition for the global biomass industry |