Furniture / Decoration

Plastics, fibers and composite materials for the manufacture of objects and accessories

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  • Flaxcomposites

    FLAXCOMPOSITES offers biobased materials mainly based on linen (flax) and hemp fibers and/or bio resins. We offer textiles and bio resins for composites but also semi finished products such as biobased cork and bio textile sandwich pannels.
    Last update : 03/03/2017
  • FKuR Kunststoff GmbH

    FKuR is a leading producer of customized bioplastics. As Bioplastics Specialist we offer a broad range of bio-based and compostable resins. Our customers benefit from our variety of compounds as well as from our global distribution program.
    Last update : 09/07/2014

    Vitis Valorem is the pioneer of vine shoots recycling. They become a micronized flour : Sarmine® = the new biosourced, eco-responsible, renewable and local raw material.
    Applications are possible wih PP, PE and PLA ! it's already available for building trade, packaging, agronomic research, cosmetics, public and private furnitures,...
    Last update : 13/06/2018