Furniture / Decoration
Plastics, fibers and composite materials for the manufacture of objects and accessories
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Vitis Valorem is the pioneer of vine shoots recycling. They become a micronized flour : Sarmine® = the new biosourced, eco-responsible, renewable and local raw material.
Applications are possible wih PP, PE and PLA ! it's already available for building trade, packaging, agronomic research, cosmetics, public and private furnitures,...
Last update : 13/06/2018 -
Polynt Composites France
Polynt Composites develops, produces and distributes solutions for composites. The company is a leader in thermoset composites materials.Last update : 17/07/2015 -
FuturaMat's activity is compounding plant materials (wheat, wood) associated with conventional polymers or with biopolymers. The compounds produced are compatible with the current technologies of industrial processing of plastics mainly for horticultural and packaging sectors.Last update : 22/08/2013