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Biobent Polymers
Biobent Polymers™ has commercialized a new line of R&D 100 award winning bio-composite polymers which for the first time offers comparable performance to pure petroleum based plastics at competitive prices.Last update : 04/03/2014 -
Last update : 13/02/2017
ISOCELL offers an innovative range of products in the domain of cellulose insulation and airtight systems - therefore we are well known on the French and European market for many years.Last update : 06/09/2016 -
FLAXCOMPOSITES offers biobased materials mainly based on linen (flax) and hemp fibers and/or bio resins. We offer textiles and bio resins for composites but also semi finished products such as biobased cork and bio textile sandwich pannels.Last update : 03/03/2017 -
Norafin Industries GmbH
Norafin is a solution provider for engineered fabrics, specialty and technical nonwovens as well as composites. We target industrial market segments such as filtration, performance apparel and specialty applications. Norafin provides tailor-made solutions which respond to the markets needs.Last update : 04/11/2013