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Since 1936, UNIKALO is an independent French manufacturer of paints and coatings for building industry.
Appreciated for the quality of its products and its customer service, UNIKALO has kept its family values while being today one of the leaders of the paint market for professionals.Last update : 11/07/2022 -
Synbra Technology bv
The Synbra Group has a leading position in Europe regarding expandable polystyrene (EPS) for Sustainable Insulation Systems and Industrial Products & Solutions.
Synbra Technology bv is the in-house polymerization, R&D facility ‘Technology & Innovation’ and centre of excellence in materials and product development of the Synbra Group.Last update : 19/09/2014 -
SOLVAY is an international chemical Group committed to sustainable development with a clear focus on innovation and operational excellence.
It is realizing over 90% of its sales in markets where it is among the top 3 global leaders.Last update : 22/08/2013 -
TDL Technique / Terre de Lin
TDL TECHNIQUE is a subsidiary of TERRE DE LIN, 1st european flax fibres producer. TDL TECHNIQUE has its own production units which a capacity of 150 000m²/year.
Its range BIORENFORTS is composed by flax fibers reinforcements, unidirectional or bi-axial, in 100 % flax or in blend with other composites fibers.Last update : 01/03/2017 -
WERNER & MERTZ France professional
Manufacturer of ecological cleaning and sanitizing products for the I&I marketLast update : 31/01/2023