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The core business of CHAMTOR is cracking wheat for production of starch, glucose, vital or hydrolyzed proteins and derivatives (wheat bran, wheat germ, wheat solubles, fermentation substrates).Last update : 29/10/2013 -
Bio-on is an Intellectual Property company and supplies technologies to produce or use Polyhydroxyalkanoates-PHAs through licenses that restrict rights to a particular territory or to a specific business area.Last update : 13/03/2015 -
Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD
FRD® is a private innovation company and engineering platform for industrial projects, FRD promotes the emergence and development of innovative applications for agricultural fibres. (insulation, concretes, composites...).Last update : 06/02/2018 -
NovHisol SA
NOVHISOL rethinks current methods of construction to meet the demands of new regulations.
NOVHISOL, active approach to passive constructionLast update : 20/07/2015 -
JRS Rettenmaier France produces organic fibres that could be used in different current applications classified in business units:
Pharma, Food, Feed & Petfood, Roadconstruction, Filtration, Industry, Chemistry, Technical Applications, Pet Care, Innovations, Contract Manufacturing.Last update : 14/10/2024