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  • SDP

    Our company succeeds in the agricultural domain for about the past 20 years.
    The idea is to use all of our experience to the export & garden markets, with the sensibilities of each.
    Last update : 22/08/2013
  • Flaxcomposites

    FLAXCOMPOSITES offers biobased materials mainly based on linen (flax) and hemp fibers and/or bio resins. We offer textiles and bio resins for composites but also semi finished products such as biobased cork and bio textile sandwich pannels.
    Last update : 03/03/2017

    We have developed and sale cups "MON GOBELET EN LIN" which are :
    - reusable and washable
    - in 100% bio-based materials
    - with flax from Northern France
    - 100% made in France
    It is possible to personnalize the cups by laser engraving (without ink)
    We do not have minima for order.
    Last update : 10/11/2020

    French independent manufacturer of Premium paints and resins for building professionals
    Last update : 19/06/2023
  • Ecoat S.A.S.

    Ecoat develops bio-based chemistries for the Coatings Industry.
    Last update : 30/10/2013