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    DEDIENNE MULTIPLASTURGY® is a European specialist in the manufacture of technical and composite plastic parts. DEDIENNE MULTIPLASTURGY® is focused on specialised markets as a multi-technology processor.
    Last update : 16/02/2018
  • FLAXCO ®

    Flaxco is a new division of Flipts & dobbels NV, which has specialised for over a century in the production of traditional flax fabrics.

    We develop and manufacture sustainable lightweight bio-based materials for the composite industry, such as 100% woven flax fibre and thermoplastic pre impregnated flax fabrics.
    Last update : 22/01/2019
  • Max Schwarz AG

    Max SCHWARZ develops alternative solutions for sustainable agriculture in cooperation with its French subsidiary Bioplants France.
    Bioplants France develops and market eco products designed according to the criteria of sustainable development.
    Last update : 02/10/2013

    Vitis Valorem is the pioneer of vine shoots recycling. They become a micronized flour : Sarmine® = the new biosourced, eco-responsible, renewable and local raw material.
    Applications are possible wih PP, PE and PLA ! it's already available for building trade, packaging, agronomic research, cosmetics, public and private furnitures,...
    Last update : 13/06/2018
  • Synbra Technology bv

    The Synbra Group has a leading position in Europe regarding expandable polystyrene (EPS) for Sustainable Insulation Systems and Industrial Products & Solutions.
    Synbra Technology bv is the in-house polymerization, R&D facility ‘Technology & Innovation’ and centre of excellence in materials and product development of the Synbra Group.
    Last update : 19/09/2014