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Sonae Indùstria
Sonae Indùstria, a leader in wood processing, proposes a new solution for polymer reinforcement and improvement of environmental footprint of composites.Last update : 16/01/2014 -
JADE (Jardin & Agriculture Développement)
Innovative solutions for integrated crop managementLast update : 13/03/2015 -
TOTAL Fluides
Total’s Special Fluids division has developed a range of speciality hydrocarbon fluids, designed to comply with the most exacting regulatory requirements. Special Fluids division of Total now develops true tailor-made solutions to support customers all over the world.Last update : 24/02/2017 -
Leader in the transformation and valuation of reed from natural environments, ROSOBREN has developed a biopolymer making it possible to meet sustainable or biodegradable challenges.
Our range is called "grain of reed", we support our customers on the marketting, the communication but also the end of life of the products.
Last update : 01/03/2021 -
Cargill Bio-Industrials Europe
Cargill brings food, agricultural, financial and Bio-industrial products to people who need them all around the worldLast update : 26/03/2020