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Compound, develop and produce bioplastics bottles biobased with new raw materials compostable formulation show www.veganbottle.comLast update : 18/11/2017 -
Kaïros Environnement
Material engineering design office, we specialize in biosourced plastic and composites as well as in LCA studies. We support manufacturers in integrating eco-designed solutions into their process.
Our expertise is the result of several years of R&D, within the framework of industrial partnerships and research programs.Last update : 23/08/2023 -
JEFCO is the sales channel for the ALLIOS group. Its branches offer professional painters a wide range of paints and coatings for buildings, ETICS, floor coverings, wall coverings and many services (delivery, tinting, technical assistance, training)Last update : 19/10/2022 -
Bio Attitude
Bio Attitude manufactures and markets "green products" based on the use of renewable raw materials from agricultural origin: industrial detergents, household detergents, cosmetics and personal hygiene products with ingredients extracted from agricultural and agro-infudtrial co-products.Last update : 30/05/2014 -
METabolic EXplorer
Based on the tried and tested principle of industrial fermentation, METabolic Explorer's solutions circumvent the problems posed by today’s petrochemical processes via the use of a wide range of renewable, sustainable raw materials.Last update : 22/08/2013