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  • Borregaard LignoTech

    Borregaard LignoTech is the world's leading manufacturer and supplier of lignin-based products. We produce a wide range of lignosulfonate and lignin based products at 8 plants in 8 countries; strategically placed to ensure world-wide availability.
    Last update : 21/08/2013
  • SCRD

    Since 1862 SCRD produces, formulates and distributes vegetable extracts, especially dyes providing from tropical plants and tannins.
    With a strong activity in the tannery industry, SCRD is now focusing more also on other industries such as agromaterials and textiles.
    Last update : 26/09/2018
  • Minasolve

    Founded in 2007, MINASOLVE (MINAFIN group) is a supplier of ingredients and innovative solutions with a specific focus on personal care markets. Minasolve is delivering answers to the consumer needs by developing high quality ingredients with established performance.
    Last update : 31/08/2015
  • Seppic

    SEPPIC, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Air Liquide Group since 1986, designs and supplies innovative specialty ingredients - excipients and actives - for the cosmetic, pharmaceutical, vaccine and nutrition markets.
    Last update : 23/09/2013
  • ISOCELL France

    ISOCELL offers an innovative range of products in the domain of cellulose insulation and airtight systems - therefore we are well known on the French and European market for many years.
    Last update : 06/09/2016