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  • Rhizosfer

    RHIZOSFER is specialized in the establishment of Miscanthus.
    We market straw of Miscanthus in its rough form and also out of short fibers of different sizes intended to charge plastics.
    Last update : 13/09/2011
  • Vencorex

    Vencorex is the owner of technologies and a major manufacturer of aliphatic isocyanates (Tolonate™ and Easaqua™, HDI, IPDI), used in coatings adhesives and inks formulations. Vencorex has manufacturing and lab units in France and US, and a worldwide commercial presence.
    Last update : 05/12/2013
  • SCRD

    Since 1862 SCRD produces, formulates and distributes vegetable extracts, especially dyes providing from tropical plants and tannins.
    With a strong activity in the tannery industry, SCRD is now focusing more also on other industries such as agromaterials and textiles.
    Last update : 26/09/2018
  • API SpA

    API is an Italian company specialized in thermoplastic elastomeric compounds as well as bioplastics.
    Last update : 28/01/2014
  • Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    FRD® is a private innovation company and engineering platform for industrial projects, FRD promotes the emergence and development of innovative applications for agricultural fibres. (insulation, concretes, composites...).
    Last update : 06/02/2018