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  • TDL Technique / Terre de Lin

    TDL TECHNIQUE is a subsidiary of TERRE DE LIN, 1st european flax fibres producer. TDL TECHNIQUE has its own production units which a capacity of 150 000m²/year.
    Its range BIORENFORTS is composed by flax fibers reinforcements, unidirectional or bi-axial, in 100 % flax or in blend with other composites fibers.
    Last update : 01/03/2017

    DEHONDT COMPOSITES, a spin-off of Groupe Dehondt, designs, manufactures and markets a new generation of bio-sourced composite materials: from continuous roving in technical flax fibre to thermoplastic sandwich panels. Innovative “cleantech” solutions are bio-sourced reinforcements made from flax fibre that can be combined with thermoplastic resins.
    Last update : 17/05/2019
  • Seppic

    SEPPIC, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Air Liquide Group since 1986, designs and supplies innovative specialty ingredients - excipients and actives - for the cosmetic, pharmaceutical, vaccine and nutrition markets.
    Last update : 23/09/2013
  • DuPont

    Operating in approximately 90 countries, DuPont offers a wide range of innovative products and services for markets including agriculture, nutrition, electronics, communications, safety and protection, home and construction, transportation and apparel.
    Last update : 04/09/2013
  • Synbra Technology bv

    The Synbra Group has a leading position in Europe regarding expandable polystyrene (EPS) for Sustainable Insulation Systems and Industrial Products & Solutions.
    Synbra Technology bv is the in-house polymerization, R&D facility ‘Technology & Innovation’ and centre of excellence in materials and product development of the Synbra Group.
    Last update : 19/09/2014