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  • Biotec GmbH

    Biosphere produces and distributes bioplastic resins "Bioplast".
    Last update : 19/02/2014
  • Safilin

    SAFILIN is the european flax spinner leader, with 3000 tons of yarns produced per year.
    Since 1778, SAFILIN selects and blends from each crop the very best flax fibers, naturally ensuring the high level of its yarns and rovings, for reinforcements in bio-based composites.
    Last update : 25/02/2014
  • BIO-ON

    Bio-on is an Intellectual Property company and supplies technologies to produce or use Polyhydroxyalkanoates-PHAs through licenses that restrict rights to a particular territory or to a specific business area.
    Last update : 13/03/2015
  • Solvay

    SOLVAY is an international chemical Group committed to sustainable development with a clear focus on innovation and operational excellence.
    It is realizing over 90% of its sales in markets where it is among the top 3 global leaders.
    Last update : 22/08/2013
  • Sonae Indùstria

    Sonae Indùstria, a leader in wood processing, proposes a new solution for polymer reinforcement and improvement of environmental footprint of composites.
    Last update : 16/01/2014