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  • Minasolve

    Founded in 2007, MINASOLVE (MINAFIN group) is a supplier of ingredients and innovative solutions with a specific focus on personal care markets. Minasolve is delivering answers to the consumer needs by developing high quality ingredients with established performance.
    Last update : 31/08/2015
  • SCRD

    Since 1862 SCRD produces, formulates and distributes vegetable extracts, especially dyes providing from tropical plants and tannins.
    With a strong activity in the tannery industry, SCRD is now focusing more also on other industries such as agromaterials and textiles.
    Last update : 26/09/2018

    Vitis Valorem is the pioneer of vine shoots recycling. They become a micronized flour : Sarmine® = the new biosourced, eco-responsible, renewable and local raw material.
    Applications are possible wih PP, PE and PLA ! it's already available for building trade, packaging, agronomic research, cosmetics, public and private furnitures,...
    Last update : 13/06/2018
  • Chamtor

    The core business of CHAMTOR is cracking wheat for production of starch, glucose, vital or hydrolyzed proteins and derivatives (wheat bran, wheat germ, wheat solubles, fermentation substrates).
    Last update : 29/10/2013
  • METabolic EXplorer

    Based on the tried and tested principle of industrial fermentation, METabolic Explorer's solutions circumvent the problems posed by today’s petrochemical processes via the use of a wide range of renewable, sustainable raw materials.
    Last update : 22/08/2013