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  • Novolyze

    Novolyze specializes in solutions for the control of microbiological hazards. We have developed dry, ready-to-use surrogate microorganisms to perform in-plant process validation studies. Since they are not pathogenic, our surrogate can be safely used in-plant to validate the lethality of a process, a cornerstone requirement of FSMA.
    Last update : 25/04/2017

    MOLYDAL makes innovative lubrication products in all activity sectors: deformation of metals, plastic injection, food processing industries, iron & steel, sugar plants and glass works.
    Last update : 02/03/2021
  • Tereos

    Tereos Syral is a leading producer of starch, starch sweeteners, alcohol and proteins in Europe.
    Tereos Syral offers a reliable and consistent supply, through the backing of its secure shareholding with the international sugar group TEREOS and its grain stockholder partners.
    Last update : 03/12/2015
  • METabolic EXplorer

    Based on the tried and tested principle of industrial fermentation, METabolic Explorer's solutions circumvent the problems posed by today’s petrochemical processes via the use of a wide range of renewable, sustainable raw materials.
    Last update : 22/08/2013
  • Bio Attitude

    Bio Attitude manufactures and markets "green products" based on the use of renewable raw materials from agricultural origin: industrial detergents, household detergents, cosmetics and personal hygiene products with ingredients extracted from agricultural and agro-infudtrial co-products.
    Last update : 30/05/2014