Wood / Paper / Cardboard

Additives for paper processing and corrugated board manufacture
Lubricants for chainsaws

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  • Ethyl acetate

    SEKAB Biofuels & Chemicals

    Ethyl acetate is a solvent used in a wide range of applications, including printing inks, varnishes and car care chemicals and in the production of enamels, plastics and rubber. Ethyl acetate is also used in the food and pharmaceutical industry.
    Last update 04/06/2014

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    μFIBRA and µGREEN are ranges of micronized flours made from plant-based fibres and aggregates intended for the plastics industry as a filler or reinforcement.
    Last update 06/02/2018
  • Pure Logwood extract


    Our pure extract comes from the heartwood of Logwood, produced by a clean aqueous extraction. This powder-form extract is mainly rich in hematoxyline, the non-oxydzied form of its main colouring compound. This molecule is widely used as reagent in Biology.
    Last update 29/10/2014
  • Tolonate™ X FLO 100


    Tolonate™ X FLO 100 is a new, partially bio-based (contains 25% of renewable material), solvent free and low viscosity aliphatic isocyanate polymer particularly designed to produce solvent-free polyurethane and polyurea materials and/or to reduce Volatile Organic Compounds emissions of polyurethane solvent-based formulation.
    Last update 09/01/2014
  • Amonyl 380 BA


    Foaming and cleasing amphoteric surfactant
    Last update 16/02/2021