Plastics / Composites / Rubber

Chemical intermediates for production of polymers (building block, reaction component)
Additives for plastic formulation (dye, plasticizer, etc..)
Resins, compounds
Reinforcements (load, technical fabric, etc.)

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  • Woodforce

    Sonae Indùstria

    Wooforce is an innovative solution for polymer reinforcement. Ready to use and easy to feed within an extruder.
    Last update 07/02/2014
  • Unidirectional natural fibres: 0° to 90°

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    The unidirectionals are suitable for applications requiring performance applied preferentially in one direction. The layers of fibers, rovings or aligned yarns of flax are bonded together by an binder or by woven perpendicularly yarns.
    Last update 15/07/2014
  • Agri-pure™

    Cargill Bio-Industrials Europe

    The Agri-pure™ range, for industrial and consumer use, includes general purpose waxes as well as waxes developed for specific applications.
    Last update 11/02/2014


    JELU provides the technical industry with functional fillers and additives based on wood and cellulose. Our additives and highly effective cellulose powders optimise modern filter technology and improve the product characteristics of floor coverings, plastics, welding electrodes, cardboard and cleaning products.
    Last update 30/10/2013
  • Corncob


    Due to their physical and chemical characteristics and their particle size distribution going from 4000 microns to impalpable powders, these granules are compatible with many applications.
    Last update 28/02/2018