Plastics / Composites / Rubber

Chemical intermediates for production of polymers (building block, reaction component)
Additives for plastic formulation (dye, plasticizer, etc..)
Resins, compounds
Reinforcements (load, technical fabric, etc.)

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    API SpA

    APINAT BIO® is an environmentally friendly brand offering a variety of recyclable and biodegradable thermoplastic compounds suited to a wide range of applications.
    Last update 01/07/2016
  • BioMine® range


    BioMine® products are ideal for technical transformations with using techniques such as injection molding, and are recommended for applications in agriculture, horticulture, construction, catering, pieces of equipment...
    These materials are made from biopolymers of vegetable origin alloyed with mineral charges.
    Last update 02/03/2017


    FlaxTape©: a laminate of unidirectional raw flax fibers
    Available in UD50,70,110 & 200 gsm
    The bio-based and innovative reinforcement for your composites parts
    Also available as a prepreg epoxy version
    Last update 06/02/2018
  • NaturePlast NPC 204


    This compound is based on algae powder, with injection molding and extrusion cast grades. These grades are not intented to food contact.
    Last update 24/04/2013
  • Epichlorohydrin (via EPICEROL process)


    80% of epichlorhydrin is used in epoxy resins ( coating, paints, adhesives, composite polymers)
    20 % are used to produce floculating agents, wet paper strength reinforcement, non-flammable polymers.
    Last update 20/08/2013