Plastics / Composites / Rubber

Chemical intermediates for production of polymers (building block, reaction component)
Additives for plastic formulation (dye, plasticizer, etc..)
Resins, compounds
Reinforcements (load, technical fabric, etc.)

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    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    FTECH is a range of hemp or flax fibres available with length between 20 and 150 mm, and available with different fineness. Other species are available upon request (sisal, jute…).
    Last update 05/02/2018
  • Biocérès range


    A true alloy of wheat flour and a biodegradable polymer, BioCeres products are biobased and compostable. One reference carries the OK Compost label and the OK Biobased label.
    With the possibility of creating products from renewable resources, BioCeres products are ideal for using calendaring, extrusion and injection-molding.
    Last update 15/07/2014

    Kaneka Belgium NV

    AONILEX is a 100% bio-based polymer produced by microbial fermentation from plant oils. The products are biodegradable to carbon dioxide and water under aerobic, anaerobic and marine conditions. AONILEX can improve biodegradability of other bio-polymers such as PLA, PBAT, PBS through blending.
    Last update 28/05/2014
  • Lactide (PLA monomer)

    Corbion Purac

    L-Lactide and D-Lactide monomers for PLA PURALACT L® and PURALACT D® are Corbion Purac’s monomers for the bioplastics industry. Lactides are dimers of Lactic Acid and so called building blocks for polymers and the production of other chemicals.
    Last update 11/09/2014


    FlaxPREG: a full range of prepreg epoxy flax fabrics
    Available in UD150, UD180, BL150, BL200, BL300 & BL550 gsm
    Impregnating processes: Hotmelt Coating & Solution Coating
    Last update 06/02/2018