Plastics / Composites / Rubber

Chemical intermediates for production of polymers (building block, reaction component)
Additives for plastic formulation (dye, plasticizer, etc..)
Resins, compounds
Reinforcements (load, technical fabric, etc.)

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  • Bamboo aeronautical panel


    This sandwich panel made with bamboo fibres and epoxy resin can be used for aircraft cabin interiors to replace sandwich panels with glass fibres and phenolic resin.
    Last update 27/10/2016
  • Biosuccinium™


    Biosuccinium™ is a sustainable succinic acid, produced via fermentation of renewable resources.
    The development of Biosuccinium™ succinic acid will drive a portfolio of more renewable, bio-based sustainable products.
    Last update 19/02/2014
  • Glucose syrups and Dextrose


    Glucose syrups and dextrose are used in food and beverages, in construction.
    Dextrose is used as platform molecule for the production of polymers, surfactants, solvents, plasticizers, paints.
    Last update 21/08/2013
  • FibriCard


    Fibricard is a lightweight 100% biobased thermoset composite. Made from FibriPreg (prepreg of flax fibres and bioresin) in association with honeycomb paper core, its sandwich structure provides exceptional mechanical strength.
    Last update 27/02/2014


    JELU provides the technical industry with functional fillers and additives based on wood and cellulose. Our additives and highly effective cellulose powders optimise modern filter technology and improve the product characteristics of floor coverings, plastics, welding electrodes, cardboard and cleaning products.
    Last update 30/10/2013