Plastics / Composites / Rubber

Chemical intermediates for production of polymers (building block, reaction component)
Additives for plastic formulation (dye, plasticizer, etc..)
Resins, compounds
Reinforcements (load, technical fabric, etc.)

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  • Meriplast


    MERIPLAST is made from wheat proteins and is fully biodegradable.
    This material has unique flexibility and elasticity properties which makes it unique amongst the biodegradable and renewable materials currently available.
    Last update 17/12/2013
  • Biosuccinium™


    Biosuccinium™ is a sustainable succinic acid, produced via fermentation of renewable resources.
    The development of Biosuccinium™ succinic acid will drive a portfolio of more renewable, bio-based sustainable products.
    Last update 19/02/2014
  • Dimethyl sebacate


    Dimethyl sebacate is a product of vegetal origin, processed from castor oil. It can be used an intermediate to produce light stabilizers, a plasticizer, softening agent and solvent for cellulosic resins, synthetic resins and rubbers.
    Last update 15/05/2014
  • FibriCard


    Fibricard is a lightweight 100% biobased thermoset composite. Made from FibriPreg (prepreg of flax fibres and bioresin) in association with honeycomb paper core, its sandwich structure provides exceptional mechanical strength.
    Last update 27/02/2014
  • Unidirectional natural fibres: 0° to 90°

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    The unidirectionals are suitable for applications requiring performance applied preferentially in one direction. The layers of fibers, rovings or aligned yarns of flax are bonded together by an binder or by woven perpendicularly yarns.
    Last update 15/07/2014