Leisure / Sport

Plastics, fibers and composite materials for the manufacture of sport equipments
(racket, shoe, ski, etc.)

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    FLAXCO ®

    FLAXCO ® fabrics are manufactured from 100% flax fibre, in different weave styles with a surface weight ranging from 200gr/m² up to 1.000 gr/m².
    The mechanical properties of these lightweight bio-based materials are high stiffness, strength, vibration and noise absorbing.
    Last update 21/12/2018
  • REHOFIX MK Corncob granules


    Areas of use: Technical applications, Animal feed, Animal hygiene, Chemistry, Filtration, Detergency and cosmetics, Special effects and many other uses., Fillers, Filter aid, Feed additive, Carrier.
    Last update 12/07/2023

    API SpA

    APINAT BIO® is an environmentally friendly brand offering a variety of recyclable and biodegradable thermoplastic compounds suited to a wide range of applications.
    Last update 01/07/2016
  • ampliTex® light fabrics

    Bcomp Ltd.

    The strong need of the water sport- and bike industry inspired us to develop this lightweight reinforcement range. The ampliTex light products are made with a new low-twist yarn for a maximum performance.
    Last update 28/10/2014
  • Thermosetting applications linen woven fabrics

    TDL Technique / Terre de Lin

    Wowen fabrics made from untwisted fibers yarn, 100 % flax fibers
    Product range : TWILL 250 g/m² and 350 g/m², TAFFETAS 250 g/m² and 350 g/m², UNIDIRECTIONAL 210 g/m² and 420 g/m²
    Packing : rolls of 100 m², width of 1640 mm
    Last update 04/12/2020