Environment (water, soil)

Enzyme solutions for decontamination and cleaning soils[br /] Products for soil improvement (geotextiles, gravels, etc.)

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  • NaturePlast NP EL 003


    NP EL 003 polymer is a biodegradable (under EN13432 norm) and food contact approved elastomer compound and is specifically designed for injection moulding applications.
    Last update 20/08/2013
  • NaturePlast PBI 003 BB


    Natureplast PBI 003 BB is a biodegradable and flexible aliphatic polyester, suitable for injection molding or extrusion.
    Last update 20/08/2013

    Groupe DEPESTELE / Teillage Vandecandelaère

    LINCORE® CF is a technical flax fabric made of untwisted comingled rovings, composed of long flax fibers comingled with thermoplastic filaments (PLA, PP, PA…) . Forming is realized by hot calendering, stamping, thermoforming, pultrusion…
    Last update 15/07/2014

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    μFIBRA and µGREEN are ranges of micronized flours made from plant-based fibres and aggregates intended for the plastics industry as a filler or reinforcement.
    Last update 06/02/2018
  • NATHERM, plant fractions, thermal insulation

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    NATHERM-F is a line of fiber, flax or hemp, for the sound and heat insulation materials.[br /] NATHERM-G is a range of aggregates made ​​of flax, hemp, wood and miscanthus, formulated for spray processing techniques.
    Last update 06/02/2018