Environment (water, soil)

Enzyme solutions for decontamination and cleaning soils
Products for soil improvement (geotextiles, gravels, etc.)

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  • Nonwoven natural fibres

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    Nonwovens are made of a fleece or a mat of fibers arranged randomly linked by mechanical, chemical or pneumatic action. This arrangement of fibres provides isotropic mechanical performance to materials incorporating nonwovens.
    Last update 15/07/2014
  • Corncob


    Due to their physical and chemical characteristics and their particle size distribution going from 4000 microns to impalpable powders, these granules are compatible with many applications.
    Last update 28/02/2018

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    μFIBRA and µGREEN are ranges of micronized flours made from plant-based fibres and aggregates intended for the plastics industry as a filler or reinforcement.
    Last update 06/02/2018
  • NaturePlast NP WF 001


    NP WF 001 is a thermoplastic composite made 100 % from renewable vegetable resources, biodegradable and which contains wood fibers (20%). It has been specifically developed for injection molding.
    Last update 21/08/2013

    Groupe DEPESTELE / Teillage Vandecandelaère

    LINCORE® CF is a technical flax fabric made of untwisted comingled rovings, composed of long flax fibers comingled with thermoplastic filaments (PLA, PP, PA…) . Forming is realized by hot calendering, stamping, thermoforming, pultrusion…
    Last update 15/07/2014