Chemistry (formulation, synthesis)
Chemical intermediates for specialty products and commodities
Formulation additives (cosmetics, paints, plastics, etc.)
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Radia 7909 - Bioplasticizer
Radia 7909 is a secondary bioplasticizer initially developped for enduction PVC.
It is a booster of gelification (fast fuser).
Still liquid at -6°C, it bring advantages when substituting benzoates.Last update 21/08/2013 -
Last update 08/12/2011
Water-based paint with a mid sheen finish made with biobased non-yellowing acrylic resin for long term use. Superior wet scrub resistance of class 1.Last update 01/02/2023 -
Natural Isobutyric Acid
AFYREN produce a 100% biobased Natural Isobutyric Acid with a respectful process for environment and non GMO natural microorganisms. The raw materiels used are also non GMO.Last update 13/01/2021 -
Last update 17/01/2012