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  • the cleansing gel bubble b


    100% vegetable origin and biodegradable, the bubble b washing gel allows parents to clean while moisturising baby's sensitive skin which tends to be dry. Very practical, it can be used for baby's bath, shower and shampoo.
    Last update 05/01/2023
  • Oxydized Logwood extract


    Aqueus Logwood extract, oxydized. Available in powder form.
    Main usages : textile, surgical threads, etc.
    Last update 29/10/2014
  • Geochanvre - Intissé


    GEOCHANVRE produces a range of geotextiles from long fibers mechanically bonded by hydrolysis. The applications are possible in the fields of ecological engineering, soil erosion control, crop protection but also to meet the needs of the construction and composite materials sectors.
    Last update 12/05/2018