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  • Radia 7909 - Bioplasticizer


    Radia 7909 is a secondary bioplasticizer initially developped for enduction PVC.
    It is a booster of gelification (fast fuser).
    Still liquid at -6°C, it bring advantages when substituting benzoates.
    Last update 21/08/2013


    Satin decoration paint for wall surfaces, made from a bio-based vegetable alkyd resin in aqueous emulsion and from largely renewable and natural components.
    Last update 17/11/2022
  • 1,2-pentanediol

    Pennakem Europa SAS

    1,2-pentanediol is a multi-purpose product which is used as industrial solvent (ink...etc.), formulation active ingredient in cosmetics and as chemical intermediate for agro chemistry and others.
    Last update 10/07/2014