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  • Yarn and rovings of natural fibres

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    Rovings and yarns are linear assemblies of aligned fibers, linked by a torsion more or less important for the cohesion of the whole from flax or hemp fibers.
    Last update 16/07/2014
  • Natureplast PLE 005


    Natureplast PLE 005 is a GMO free PLA grade especially developped for film extrusion and thermoforming applications.
    Last update 19/08/2013
  • Ocalio™


    Ocalio™ is an innovative new bioplastic – a type of biobased plastic made partly from plant materials (biomass). Made from cellulose acetate derived from wood pulp, Ocalio™ is sustainable and renewable.
    Last update 28/01/2014