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  • Strahlux™

    Cargill Bio-Industrials Europe

    The Strahlux™ range is specifically designed to meet the stringent and varied demands of candle makers, and offers an array of performance characteristics and functional benefits.
    Last update 11/02/2014
  • Natural adhesive

    Derivery SAS

    Natural adhesive for light coatings (papers, glassfiber, cork, and so on) on walls and ceilings
    Last update 21/08/2013
  • Biosorb


    Biosorb is a 100 % natural filter system made of pine bark residues and flax and developed by Pe@rl society cooperatively with EcoTechnilin.
    It has the capacity to concentrate heavy metals and radioactive elements in fluids with an efficiency similar to ion exchange resin but easier to implement.
    Last update 31/05/2016
  • CLEANMEX Bitumen remover

    MEXEL Industries

    Dissolvent for tars, bitumens and asphalts
    Last update 11/12/2013
  • Végétol®

    Laboratoires Xérès

    Végetol® innovation is an ingredient used as a carrier in liquid formulations for electronic cigarettes, e-liquid without propylene glycol, is of exclusively natural origin. It is obtained by biofermentation of vegetable glycerin. It’s basically a process of green chemistry.
    Last update 08/01/2020