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  • Functional Cellulose Gels by JRS


    This is a water-insoluble, micro-crystalline cellulose that is processed with a water-soluble spacer in a special production process. The fiber-gel is a whitish powder that disperses in water, forms a three-dimensional network and that way can be used as a multifunctional additive in water-based systems. See long description for more information.
    Last update 18/11/2016


    JELU provides the technical industry with functional fillers and additives based on wood and cellulose. Our additives and highly effective cellulose powders optimise modern filter technology and improve the product characteristics of floor coverings, plastics, welding electrodes, cardboard and cleaning products.
    Last update 30/10/2013
  • n-Heptanoic acid


    n-Heptanoic acid can be used in the form of esters in the fragrances and flavors industry, in cosmetics and for the industrial lubricants, and in the form of salts (sodium heptanoate) for corrosion inhibitiion.
    Last update 15/05/2014
  • Fibrirock


    FibriRock is a lightweight, fast-curing, heat-resistant composite comprising over 55% flax and bioresin – organic, sustainable components.
    It allows the SmartCart to meet all the mechanical, production and fire-related performance requirements needed for an airline galley cart.
    The Smart Cart is the lightest galley cart rated to carry up to 50kg.
    Last update 10/02/2015


    Waterborne interior wall primer based on biosourced resin
    Last update 06/02/2023