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PrimalHyal 300
Givaudan Active Beauty
PrimalHyal 300 helps to maintain an effective skin defense level against harmful bacteria contamination. It also boosts the wound healing process.Last update 01/06/2015 -
Rilsan® HT
Rilsan® HT is the first flexible, high-temperature thermoplastic to replace metal in tubing for high-temperature automotive and other demanding industrial applications. The revolutionary flexibility of Rilsan® HT offers a step-change in polyphthalamide (PPA)-based materials and extends metal substitution to yet unimagined possibilities.Last update 08/01/2014 -
Matt-velvety paint based on 97% bio-based alkyd resin emulsion Biosourced paint 2 in 1 (Printing and Finishing) for protection and decoration walls and ceilings.
Paint containing more than 54% bio-based carbon according to NF EN 16640Last update 17/11/2022 -
Kaneka Belgium NV
AONILEX is a 100% bio-based polymer produced by microbial fermentation from plant oils. The products are biodegradable to carbon dioxide and water under aerobic, anaerobic and marine conditions. AONILEX can improve biodegradability of other bio-polymers such as PLA, PBAT, PBS through blending.Last update 28/05/2014 -
Certified ECOLABEL, BIO NATUR 2 Temps is an 100% synthetic oil formulated for a better lubrication of two stroke engines used in motorcycle, mopeds, scooters but also in motoculture equipment (chain saws, lawn mowers, clearing saws,...).Last update 20/08/2013