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FibriMat LCM HD
Fibrimat LCM HD is range of natural fibre reinforcement mats for composites for infusion and RTM (Resin Transfer Moulding) processes which allow to achieve high levels of reinforcement in composites.
Last update 13/02/2015 -
n-Heptanoic acid
n-Heptanoic acid can be used in the form of esters in the fragrances and flavors industry, in cosmetics and for the industrial lubricants, and in the form of salts (sodium heptanoate) for corrosion inhibitiion.Last update 15/05/2014 -
Last update 15/01/2024
PLHT 201
PLHT 201 is a PLA grade with excellent mechanical properties, impact resistance, and thermal stability (above 100°C). It can be processed by injection molding and/or extrusion.Last update 09/03/2015 -
Epichlorohydrin (via EPICEROL process)
80% of epichlorhydrin is used in epoxy resins ( coating, paints, adhesives, composite polymers)
20 % are used to produce floculating agents, wet paper strength reinforcement, non-flammable polymers.Last update 20/08/2013