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NaturePlast NP WF 001
NP WF 001 is a thermoplastic composite made 100 % from renewable vegetable resources, biodegradable and which contains wood fibers (20%). It has been specifically developed for injection molding.Last update 21/08/2013 -
Biocérès range
A true alloy of wheat flour and a biodegradable polymer, BioCeres products are biobased and compostable. One reference carries the OK Compost label and the OK Biobased label.
With the possibility of creating products from renewable resources, BioCeres products are ideal for using calendaring, extrusion and injection-molding.Last update 15/07/2014 -
MERIPLAST is made from wheat proteins and is fully biodegradable.
This material has unique flexibility and elasticity properties which makes it unique amongst the biodegradable and renewable materials currently available.Last update 17/12/2013 -
Last update 15/03/2021
Functional Cellulose Gels by JRS
This is a water-insoluble, micro-crystalline cellulose that is processed with a water-soluble spacer in a special production process. The fiber-gel is a whitish powder that disperses in water, forms a three-dimensional network and that way can be used as a multifunctional additive in water-based systems. See long description for more information.
Last update 18/11/2016