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    Matt-velvety paint based on 97% bio-based alkyd resin emulsion Biosourced paint 2 in 1 (Printing and Finishing) for protection and decoration walls and ceilings.
    Paint containing more than 54% bio-based carbon according to NF EN 16640
    Last update 17/11/2022
  • Bedding LIGNOCEL


    Beech timber bedding
    Last update 05/01/2016
  • GLOBIO - Bio-PET

    FKuR Kunststoff GmbH

    GLOBIO is a partly biobased PET for a wide variety of applications.
    Last update 09/07/2014
  • Secoia EXP Leaf Tech

    Ecoat S.A.S.

    Biobased alkyd emulsion allowing film drying without using a catalyst based on heavy metals and providing outstanding performance in terms of speed of drying and hardness.
    Last update 13/12/2013
  • CecabaseRT®


    In recent years CECA has developed a surfactant additive comprising at least 50% renewable raw materials which, blended with the bitumen, helps lower by some 40°C the application temperature of the road surfacing material without impairing its performance.
    Last update 05/02/2014