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Elevance Clean™ 1200
Equilex Chemicals B.V.
Elevance Clean™1200 is a new cleaning ingredient that boosts the cleaning performance of your formulations and rapidly penetrates your most challenging soils. It is also bio-based, safe-to-use, VOC-exempt and highly compatible across a range of aqueous to semi-aqueous products while being used at neutral pH.Last update 17/07/2015 -
Pennakem Europa SAS
1,2-pentanediol is a multi-purpose product which is used as industrial solvent (ink...etc.), formulation active ingredient in cosmetics and as chemical intermediate for agro chemistry and others.Last update 10/07/2014 -
Biaxials 0°/90° in natural fibres
Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD
The biaxial 0°/90° are generally fabrics composed of a regular assembly of flax or hemp yarns arranged perpendicularly in a specific arrangement called pattern. Structure provides good mechanical performance in both directions 0° and 90°.Last update 15/07/2014 -
ecovio® IS 1335
Partly biobased and biodegradable PLA-compound to injection mold food packaging.
Fields of Application: Cups, pots, containers, thin wall packaging, coffee capsules …Last update 07/12/2018 -
Aqueous emulsion of natural oils and resins plant
Derivery SAS
Emulsion from natural oils unprocessed (not alkyds, without ethoxylated surfactants) for formulation of matt and satin decorative indoor paints.Last update 21/08/2013