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    BASF Beauty Care Solutions France S.A.S

    Oligolin™: is a multi-functional active ingredient which rejuvenate the skin thanks to its flax seeds oligosaccharides The skin is firmer and better hydrated.
    Last update 26/02/2019
  • Biocérès range


    A true alloy of wheat flour and a biodegradable polymer, BioCeres products are biobased and compostable. One reference carries the OK Compost label and the OK Biobased label.
    With the possibility of creating products from renewable resources, BioCeres products are ideal for using calendaring, extrusion and injection-molding.
    Last update 15/07/2014
  • CBS


    CBS is a non-woven disc Silicon carbide- Support hemp, for the cleaning of steel and stainless steel.
    Last update 19/06/2014
  • Secoia EXP Leaf Tech

    Ecoat S.A.S.

    Biobased alkyd emulsion allowing film drying without using a catalyst based on heavy metals and providing outstanding performance in terms of speed of drying and hardness.
    Last update 13/12/2013
  • Radiasolve 7529 - Solvents


    The solvents commercialised by Oleon are safe to use and they help to improve the environmental footprint of finished products and manufacturing processes in a wide range of applications, such as offset printing inks, cleaning and degreassing products and crop protection.
    Last update 21/08/2013