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Nonwoven natural fibres
Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD
Nonwovens are made of a fleece or a mat of fibers arranged randomly linked by mechanical, chemical or pneumatic action. This arrangement of fibres provides isotropic mechanical performance to materials incorporating nonwovens.Last update 15/07/2014 -
Yellow Fustic extract, liquid or powder form
Pure aqueous extract, not mofified. Main components : Morin, Maclurin.Last update 29/10/2014 -
Dibutyl sebacate
Dibutyl sebacate is mainly used as a cold resistant plasticizer for synthetic resins and rubbers and as a plasticizer in packaging in food contact.Last update 15/05/2014 -
World Natural Care
Vasegreen is a 100 % natural alternative to petroleum jelly. It is a translucent, semi-solid paste made of purely natural components. Its main component is sunflower oil. As a result, it allows the development of organic make up and personal care products.Last update 12/01/2015 -
Mon gobelet en lin
"MON GOBELET EN LIN" are cups which are :
- reusable and washable
- in 100% bio-based materials
- with flax from Northern France
- 100% made in France
Our cups can be personnalize by laser engraving (without ink), and we do not have minima for ordering.Last update 04/12/2020