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  • Feutralin


    Feutralin is an 100% natural acoustic insulating underlay for laminate floors. Made of flax fibres, it offers a durable acoustic insulation and a good absorption of impact noises (ΔLw = 20dB).
    Last update 04/03/2014
  • Biaxials 0°/90° in natural fibres

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    The biaxial 0°/90° are generally fabrics composed of a regular assembly of flax or hemp yarns arranged perpendicularly in a specific arrangement called pattern. Structure provides good mechanical performance in both directions 0° and 90°.
    Last update 15/07/2014

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    FTECH is a range of hemp or flax fibres available with length between 20 and 150 mm, and available with different fineness. Other species are available upon request (sisal, jute…).
    Last update 05/02/2018
  • GREEN, plant fractions

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    GREEN is a range of plant fractions, for the load or the reinforcement of thermoplastic composites. This range is suitable for injection and extrusion processes.
    Last update 27/10/2011
  • Secoia 1403

    Ecoat S.A.S.

    Secoia 1403 is a bio-based alkyde emulsion and an excellent binder for low VOC mat, sheen or satin applications. Secoia 1403 is an APEO free, tall oil based, anionic/no-nionic aqueous emulsion of alkyd resin.
    Last update 13/12/2013