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    - Concentrated degreasing cleaner for professional use.
    - Effective on all types of grease, even burnt and charred.
    - Ultra versatile (oven, piano, grill, hoods, fryers, etc.).
    Last update 12/05/2023
  • Unidirectionnel flax fiber reinforcements

    TDL Technique / Terre de Lin

    Unidirectional flax fibers reinforcement made by parallelized flax slivers, maintained by sewing between 2 polyester fabrics
    Weight: 120 g/m² of flax+ 2 polyester fabrics (20g/m²), 200 g/m² of flax+ 2 polyester fabrics (35g/m²), 400 g/m² of flax+ 2 polyester fabrics (35g/m²)
    Packaging: rolls of 120 m², width of 1220 mm
    Last update 14/11/2016
  • EKOPUR BS Satin


    Finishing paint based on bio-sourced binder in aqueous phase.
    Last update 12/06/2023

    Pennakem Europa SAS

    VRIDISOL M is an aprotic polar solvent in the ether family. its versatility in use in synthesis gives the opportunity to reduce process costs at the same time of carbon footprint savings.
    Last update 07/03/2019
  • bCores

    Bcomp Ltd.

    This patented ski core material can be processed like wood, is the lightest on the market and provides this "woody" feeling we all love. Today we offer a range of three product groups for the use in Winter- and Watersport applications as well as other industries.
    Last update 28/10/2014