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  • GREEN, plant fractions

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    GREEN is a range of plant fractions, for the load or the reinforcement of thermoplastic composites. This range is suitable for injection and extrusion processes.
    Last update 27/10/2011
  • Technical fabrics and unidirectionnals

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    Fabrics structures determine their mechanical performances in the two directions: 0° and 90°. Unidirectionals are suitable for end-uses where mechanical stresses are applied in one major direction.
    Last update 02/02/2018
  • ampliTex® flax braids

    Bcomp Ltd.

    This product can be combined with other composites and is the easiest way to absorb shocks in different applications, such as tubes, poles, rods, hockey sticks, rackets or x-country skis.
    Last update 28/10/2014

    Lubrizol Advanced Materials (FKA Merquinsa)

    ESTANE® ECO TPU is the flagship product under the Bio-TPU™ by Lubrizol product offering. Originally developed by Merquinsa, ESTANE® ECO TPU is the first bio-based* TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane) to not compromise on high-performance when compared to traditional petroleum-based TPUs.
    Last update 25/08/2021


    - High performance machine rinse aid.
    - Optimises the drying of dishes in industrial machines.
    - Anti-stain and brightens up dishes
    Last update 03/05/2023