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  • Elevance Clean™ 1200

    Equilex Chemicals B.V.

    Elevance Clean™1200 is a new cleaning ingredient that boosts the cleaning performance of your formulations and rapidly penetrates your most challenging soils. It is also bio-based, safe-to-use, VOC-exempt and highly compatible across a range of aqueous to semi-aqueous products while being used at neutral pH.
    Last update 17/07/2015
  • APPYCLEAN 6552


    Powerful foaming and degreasing agent (Alkyl-Poly-Pentosides)
    Last update 02/08/2013


    Interior aqueous velvet wall paint based on biosourced resin
    Last update 06/02/2023

    FLAXCO ®

    FLAXCO ® fabrics are manufactured from 100% flax fibre, in different weave styles with a surface weight ranging from 200gr/m² up to 1.000 gr/m².
    The mechanical properties of these lightweight bio-based materials are high stiffness, strength, vibration and noise absorbing.
    Last update 21/12/2018
  • CecabaseRT®


    In recent years CECA has developed a surfactant additive comprising at least 50% renewable raw materials which, blended with the bitumen, helps lower by some 40°C the application temperature of the road surfacing material without impairing its performance.
    Last update 05/02/2014