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    Glycerol ester of rosin
    Last update 08/12/2011
  • Agri-pure™

    Cargill Bio-Industrials Europe

    The Agri-pure™ range, for industrial and consumer use, includes general purpose waxes as well as waxes developed for specific applications.
    Last update 11/02/2014
  • GLOBIO - Bio-PET

    FKuR Kunststoff GmbH

    GLOBIO is a partly biobased PET for a wide variety of applications.
    Last update 09/07/2014
  • Rilsan® HT


    Rilsan® HT is the first flexible, high-temperature thermoplastic to replace metal in tubing for high-temperature automotive and other demanding industrial applications. The revolutionary flexibility of Rilsan® HT offers a step-change in polyphthalamide (PPA)-based materials and extends metal substitution to yet unimagined possibilities.
    Last update 08/01/2014
  • 1,2-pentanediol

    Pennakem Europa SAS

    1,2-pentanediol is a multi-purpose product which is used as industrial solvent (ink...etc.), formulation active ingredient in cosmetics and as chemical intermediate for agro chemistry and others.
    Last update 10/07/2014