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  • Technical fabrics and unidirectionnals

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    Fabrics structures determine their mechanical performances in the two directions: 0° and 90°. Unidirectionals are suitable for end-uses where mechanical stresses are applied in one major direction.
    Last update 02/02/2018
  • Aqueous emulsion of natural oils and resins plant

    Derivery SAS

    Emulsion from natural oils unprocessed (not alkyds, without ethoxylated surfactants) for formulation of matt and satin decorative indoor paints.
    Last update 21/08/2013
  • Sorona® renewably sourced fiber


    Whether it is textile fibers and fabrics for home interiors and apparel, carpeting, or a variety of packaging applications such as films, sealants, foams, and rigid containers, Sorona® imparts distinctive, value-added characteristics.
    Last update 04/09/2013
  • Bathroom Descaler 500 mL Osanis


    Osanis bathroom descaler cleans and descales effectively, restoring shine to all bathroom surfaces: shower, bathtub, sink, etc.
    Last update 05/01/2023
  • Natureplast PHI 002


    Natureplast PHI 002 is a PHA grade especially developed for injection molding applications.
    Last update 19/08/2013