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  • ARGANYL PW LS 9830

    BASF Beauty Care Solutions France S.A.S

    Arganyl™, an active ingredient derived from argan leaves, is proven to be effective against these external stressors.
    Last update 03/03/2017
  • NaturePlast NP WF 001


    NP WF 001 is a thermoplastic composite made 100 % from renewable vegetable resources, biodegradable and which contains wood fibers (20%). It has been specifically developed for injection molding.
    Last update 21/08/2013
  • ecovio® IS 1335


    Partly biobased and biodegradable PLA-compound to injection mold food packaging.
    Fields of Application: Cups, pots, containers, thin wall packaging, coffee capsules …
    Last update 07/12/2018
  • CristalHyal

    Givaudan Active Beauty

    As a pure Hyaluronic Acid powder, Cristalhyal is one of the most effective moisturizer.
    Naturally found in the deep skin layers, Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a non irritating and non sensitizing agent also called “molecular sponge” due to its high hygroscopic properties.
    Last update 19/09/2013
  • Pavatherm®

    PAVATEX France

    High-performance woodfibre insulation board
    Last update 02/02/2017