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  • BIOPLAST 500

    Biotec GmbH

    BIOPLAST 500 is a plasticizer-free, thermoplastic material that contains natural potato starch and other biologically sourced polymers. The biobased carbon share of the entire formulation exceeds 50%.
    Last update 19/02/2014


    FlaxPREG: a full range of prepreg epoxy flax fabrics
    Available in UD150, UD180, BL150, BL200, BL300 & BL550 gsm
    Impregnating processes: Hotmelt Coating & Solution Coating
    Last update 06/02/2018


    Concentrated degreasing cleaner. Dishwashing liquid for manual washing-up. PH neutral. 98.3% biobased and of plant origin. Product approved for food contact.
    Last update 13/02/2023
  • ampliTex® flax braids

    Bcomp Ltd.

    This product can be combined with other composites and is the easiest way to absorb shocks in different applications, such as tubes, poles, rods, hockey sticks, rackets or x-country skis.
    Last update 28/10/2014
  • Thermosetting applications linen woven fabrics

    TDL Technique / Terre de Lin

    Wowen fabrics made from untwisted fibers yarn, 100 % flax fibers
    Product range : TWILL 250 g/m² and 350 g/m², TAFFETAS 250 g/m² and 350 g/m², UNIDIRECTIONAL 210 g/m² and 420 g/m²
    Packing : rolls of 100 m², width of 1640 mm
    Last update 04/12/2020