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  • Elevance Clean™ 1200

    Equilex Chemicals B.V.

    Elevance Clean™1200 is a new cleaning ingredient that boosts the cleaning performance of your formulations and rapidly penetrates your most challenging soils. It is also bio-based, safe-to-use, VOC-exempt and highly compatible across a range of aqueous to semi-aqueous products while being used at neutral pH.
    Last update 17/07/2015
  • Woodforce

    Sonae Indùstria

    Wooforce is an innovative solution for polymer reinforcement. Ready to use and easy to feed within an extruder.
    Last update 07/02/2014


    Native wheat starch for technical applications such as paper and corrugated, adhesives …
    Last update 04/12/2013
  • SYNAQUA® 2070


    Based on 58% renewable raw materials, SYNAQUA® 2070 is well adapted to the formulations of waterborne primers, wood oils and stains for wood cladding due to its good penetration properties.
    Last update 10/06/2022
  • FibriCard


    Fibricard is a lightweight 100% biobased thermoset composite. Made from FibriPreg (prepreg of flax fibres and bioresin) in association with honeycomb paper core, its sandwich structure provides exceptional mechanical strength.
    Last update 27/02/2014