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  • Innolin - Linen & Cork biocomposite pannel


    Our multicomponent pannel is a natural composite. Based on a linen or hemp textile woven in europe from local fibers, recycled cork bounded with a biobased glue and a biobased resin.

    The final product is light weight, thermoformable, insulating, acoustic and decorative.
    Last update 03/03/2017
  • Oramix GB 10


    Oramis GB 10 is a blend of surfactants. It is a cleaning foaming agent. An alternative solution of LesNa
    Last update 16/02/2021
  • Natural cut fibers

    Procotex Corporation SA

    We are specialised in processing natural fibers. The fibers we can offer are flax, kennaf, coconut, sisal, jute,...
    All these fibers can be cut up to very short lengths which makes it useable for the plastic industry.
    Last update 03/01/2014

    Cavac Biomatériaux

    Micronization of plant material: Flax, Hemp, Corn
    Particle size analysis: adapted to the needs of customers
    Packaging: bulk, big bags, bags
    Last update 13/02/2017
  • Plant and Ocean Based Cosmetic Natural Ingredients


    Survey of products:
    Natural EXFOLIANTS (alternatives to microbeads / plastic beads / PE beads) ;
    Natural transparent thickeners ;
    Natural stabilizers ;
    Texturizing powders ;
    Sensory ultrafine powders (alternatives to plastic powders);
    Volumizing powders.
    Last update 28/08/2020